Posts Tagged ‘Monsters


Gallery Good. Frankenstein Happy.

I’ve been so busy in the workshop that I forgot to post this monstrous update. Last month, Vince and I worked on a mixed-media Son of Frankenstein diorama that we called The Monster Walks.

The piece is inspired by the 1939 Universal Monsters classic, Son of Frankenstein and was created to be a part of Gallery1988’s Golden Age of Hollywood exhibit.

I did most of the needle felting while Vince sculpted the clay and foam components….as well as stitching up that fashionable fur vest. One of my favorite parts is the frightened rat he sculpted. This little guy shares a dungeon lab with the monster, but is just as terrified of this walking corpse as the rest of the villagers.

While the show is technically a “past exhibit” at this point, for the time being Gallery1988 still has the show up on its site so that visitors can view (and even purchase) some of the amazing artwork. The Monster Walks sold to a collector, but there are plenty of other amazing pieces in the show available to fans of Hollywood’s Golden Era (1915 to 1963). Here’s the link: Golden Age of Hollywood.

And if you’d like to see the process video we made while creating the diorama, you can view that below:


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